Elizabeth Gottlieb is an animator residing in Los Angeles, CA. She previously has worked as an Animator/Designer at Buzzfeed's Media Labs Department, a Motion Graphics and traditional animator for Hallmark eCards, a thumbnail illustrator for Bennett White's Anime Abandon, and as a 2D animator and production artist on Daniel Chase's The Dark Forest. Other previous clients include NoodleHaus, Retrofit Films, Axis Studios, and Cie Digital. She is also an alumni of the Nickelodeon Animation Studios 2014 Internship program.
Elizabeth received her BFA with honors in Digital Media, with an emphasis in animation, from Otis College of Art and Design in 2015 (Otis Presidential Scholar; Dean’s List 2014, 2015). Previously, she received a BA in Studio Art from California State University, Channel Islands, also with an emphasis in animation.
Elizabeth has had a strong interest in art, illustration, and animation her entire life. Inspired by animators Glen Keane, Hayao Miyazaki, and Andreas Deja, Elizabeth is able to illustrate and animate compelling characters, which display a convincing sense of movement, weight and emotion. Her strong drawing and illustration skills enable her to quickly sketch in various styles. She has a keen sense of comedic timing, providing a unique quality and perspective to her art.
For inquiries, please reach out to Elizabeth at gottlieb_elizabeth@yahoo.com.
Elizabeth received her BFA with honors in Digital Media, with an emphasis in animation, from Otis College of Art and Design in 2015 (Otis Presidential Scholar; Dean’s List 2014, 2015). Previously, she received a BA in Studio Art from California State University, Channel Islands, also with an emphasis in animation.
Elizabeth has had a strong interest in art, illustration, and animation her entire life. Inspired by animators Glen Keane, Hayao Miyazaki, and Andreas Deja, Elizabeth is able to illustrate and animate compelling characters, which display a convincing sense of movement, weight and emotion. Her strong drawing and illustration skills enable her to quickly sketch in various styles. She has a keen sense of comedic timing, providing a unique quality and perspective to her art.
For inquiries, please reach out to Elizabeth at gottlieb_elizabeth@yahoo.com.